Sunday, May 27, 2012


Sometimes we all need to take a step back and look at ourselves. Not just glance, but really look. Not in the way where you look in the mirror and see what you want, and realize months down the road you've gained a few pounds and wonder where it came from.

When did we forget who we were and end up in this rut, this constant cycle that is making us miserable, yet we can't seem to break free.

It's okay to be selfish sometimes. We should all practice "selfish-ism" from time to time. If you are single, stop worrying about when the next guy or girl will come along and take advantage of the free time. Take that time to rediscover yourself and try some new things.

Once we are happy with ourselves and are ready to accept ourselves for who we are, only then will we be truly happy. And only then will we be able to make someone else happy. When all you do is focus on others and not yourself, even a little bit, everyone suffers.

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